
Cyber Security Update: .au Domains Priority Deadline

Rawson Verco Need Cyber Security would advise any businesses with an Australian website to secure their .au domain before the priority deadline.

You have until 20 September 2022 to secure a priority allocation of the new .au direct domain name that matches your existing or domain name.

Cyber Security Update: .au Domains Priority Deadline

After this date, anyone can register the .au direct domain that matches your existing domain name, opening you up to potential fraudulent activity by cybercriminals who could impersonate your website and email addresses.


  1. Your existing domain name is:
  2. The new domain name is:

You should register the new domain name to own both of them.

For more information on the new .au direct domain and how to register, visit:

For more information on the cyber security risks, visit:

For further direct assistance or advice if required on